Sunday, January 17, 2021

let it be dark

 "Well, we better get going," Mannie hated to tell Sadie that he hated cats. But he watched her love on the fury thing until it disgusted him so. Honestly, he didn't even want to be around her. 

"Huh?" She looked at him a bit bug-eyed as if he didn't give her enough time. 

"It's now or never," he shrugged.

"I'll go with never," she said she liked it here. She'd live right here if she had to. 

"And you want that tattoo to get bigger?" He looked at her as if she was asking for too much.

"What's going to happen?" She squinted hard and she sounded like a girl he used to know, but he barely remembered her and it did him no good to think on it.

"I don't know," he was being honest. He picked up her backpack, and grabbed her coat. At least, she was in her jeans and layers.

Sadie only hesitated. She went to find Bently to take the cat. 

Mannie sighed as he opened the back door. It was snowing and almost dark. Liam was warming the dark sedan. He would drive them to their destination.

He heard Sadie, "Take good care of Hilda. He looked back to see her hugging Bentley hard. That was the last person he expected to get so much affection. Mannie shook his head. He hoped she didn't get any cat hair on him.

Finally, they loaded up and drove into the night. Of course, he and Sadie sat in the backseat. It was quiet.

"Can I take a nap," Sadie looked at him.

"I wish you would, but we'll be there in ten minutes or so." He didn't think the roads were bad. Liam said nothing which he was used to. They could go days in silence and still understand each other. Maybe it had something to do with being in the same clan.

"Really?" She almost sounded excited. "That soon?"

Mannie tried not to smile as he nodded.

"I think I'm the wrong person for the job," Sadie looked at him as if he should know this.

"You might be right, but you're all I've got." He agreed. This kind of work didn't always call for someone with a degree or even assets. 

"I just wish I'd eaten something," Sadie looked out the window as if she need a corndog or a cookie.

"Really, it's better to go on an empty stomach," Mannie looked at her as if she was just a child who knew nothing.

Sadie only sighed, growing restless. They were past the city limits now and Liam drove into more snow roadways which were slick. The car swayed, fishtailing like a dance up the hill. Liam kept going. Sadie, held on to the door handle even if she was buckled in.

Mannie only watched her, and for second it was clear to him that he knew her. Why had he forgotten. But then it slipped his mind. They'd made it to the abandoned building.

He got out the equipment. Liam was efficient in that regard. Lastly, he opened the door and there Sadie waited.

Her eyes only grew larger as she noticed the sign.

"Sanitarium? You never said anything about a sanitarium?"


  1. uy lo dejaste muy interesante, te mando un beso

  2. I'm very curious about the direction of the story. I loved the chapter

  3. Hola!! que linda entrada, me gusto mucho

  4. Linda entrada, espero leer mas pronto

  5. Hum...I love cats!
    Mas, my god, um sanatório??

  6. Hum... Sanatório? É de arregalar os olhos mesmo!
    PS: I love cats!

  7. story is exciting....

    # I am following you


Hey there